Issues and workarounds for migration from ROSA Desktop Fresh R1 to R2

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X server fails to start

We tried to minimize issues that can be met when migrating from R1 to R2, but you can still met problems with video drivers. If this is the case, perform the following actions:

1. If you use open drivers, it is recommended to remove 'nomodeset' options from grub2.cfg and /etc/x11/xorg.conf files

2. If you use proprietary nvidia-current, nvidia-long-lived or fglrx, it is recommended to remove them and then install again using XFdrake.

Problems with printing

If you experience problems with printing, just remove you printer in printer configuration tool ad add it again.

Locale, keyboard layout and time settings

Now we provide complete support for localectl and timedatectl tools from systemd and recommend to use these tools if you want to change locale, keyboard layout or timezone from command line. See Systemd for admins set of posts for details. To be sure, you can always modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf and /etc/locale.conf files manually.

To configure these settings from GUI, please use drakkeyboard, draklocale and drakclock.

Network problems

1. In ROSA, you can use either NetworkManager or old SysVInit network stack to manage your network connections. To use NetworkManager, you should have USE_NM_ONLY parameter set to 'yes' in your /etc/sysconfig/network file. If this parameter is absent, run the following command (with root permissions):

echo USE_NM_ONLY=yes > /etc/sysconfig/network

and disable network service

chkconfig --del network


systemctl disable network.service

If you don't want to use NetworkManager, you should drop this parameter and enable old sysvinit network service.

chkconfig --add network

On update process appear error "Unable install systemd-204-22.x86_64 due conflict with bash-completion-1.99-1.noarch

If you see error like this, please update bash-completion first running

urpmi bash-completion