ROSA Desktop Fresh GNOME R7

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ROSA Desktop Fresh R7 is a distribution for enthusiasts in constantly changing Linux world. It has relatively short life cycle, but provides newest software and support for modern hardware.

About Release

  • 32bit ISO (md5sum: b435588018df050e4bd40bc77f326fee)
  • 64bit ISO (md5sum: 4fecd01ac3e4e8a936f41b5ab03da85e)

or from Yandex-CDN.

Install Additional Software

You can install a lot of additional software from ROSA repositories. In order to do this, launch "Install and Remove Software" program from the System Settings panel (aka "Configure Your System").

If you are a newbie in Linux and don't know which particular program you need, try to use to find analogues of your favourite applications

In particular, in ROSA repositories you will find:

We recommend to use versions from our repositories.

If for some reason you are not satisfied by OpenJDK provided with ROSA, you can install Oracle Java from the official site. Due to license restrictions, we cannot put it to our repositories.

  • Install Java.png

Alternative Desktop Environments

The main desktop environment of ROSA Desktop Fresh is KDE; we are also actively working on a version based on Gnome 3.

Besides them, ROSA repositories provide alternative lightweight desktop environments. For some of them our community members prepare separate ISO images from time to time. But at any moment you can get one of these environments on your desktop just by installing corresponding task- package.

Alternative desktop environments are supported by ROSA Community and are not subjected to as strict QA process (unlike main DEs)