Migrating from ROSA Desktop Fresh R3 to R4

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ROSA Desktop Fresh R4 uses repositories different from the ones of Fresh R1/R2/R3, so your R3 system will not be updated automatically to R4 by means of usual updates. In order to perform such distribution upgrade, one should do the steps described below.

Before you begin

In order to go through the update process smoothly please uninstall fglrx or nvidia* proprietary packages BEFORE triggering the update process. To check if such packages are present in your system do

$ rpm -qa | grep fglrx
$ rpm -qa | grep nvidia

Zero return code means you're clean from the proproetary drivers and may proceed.

32bit systems

  • update the system to the latest R3 state:
# urpmi --auto-update

(in order to guarantee that we have the latest versions of all packages; update from Fresh R1 or R2 to R4 directly is theoretically possible, but we didn't test this scenario thoroughly).

  • remove all Fresh R3 repositories. If you don't have any repositories except official ROSA Desktop Fresh R3 ones, then you can simply remove all software sources:
# urpmi.removemedia -a
  • add release repositories of Fresh R4:
# urpmi.addmedia --distrib http://mirror.rosalab.ru/rosa/rosa2014.1/repository/i586/
Note that we have disabled "updates" repositories for now, since we only tested update to release repositories of Desktop Fresh R4.
  • update all packages to R4 state; preliminary download all necessary packages (the latter is important, since the network connection can go down during update):
# urpmi --no-install --auto-update --auto
# urpmi --auto-update --auto

Note that depending on Internet connection speed and number of packages installed in the system, the update time may vary significantly. Average update time is about several hours. In some very special cases update can take about a day or even more.

  • Turn back repositories with R4 updates and update your system to be sure that it is up to date:
# urpmi.update --no-ignore updates
# urpmi --auto-update --auto

64bit systems

  • update the system to the latest R3 state:
# urpmi --auto-update

(in order to guarantee that we have the latest versions of all packages; update from Fresh R1 or R2 to R4 directly is theoretically possible, but we didn't test this scenario thoroughly).

  • remove all Fresh R3 repositories. If you don't have any repositories except official ROSA Desktop Fresh R3 ones, then you can simply remove all software sources:
# urpmi.removemedia -a
  • add release repositories of Fresh R4:
# urpmi.addmedia --distrib http://mirror.rosalab.ru/rosa/rosa2014.1/repository/x86_64/
# urpmi.addmedia main32_release http://mirror.rosalab.ru/rosa/rosa2014.1/repository/i586/main/release
# urpmi.addmedia main32_updates http://mirror.rosalab.ru/rosa/rosa2014.1/repository/i586/main/updates
# urpmi.addmedia nonfree32_release http://mirror.rosalab.ru/rosa/rosa2014.1/repository/i586/non-free/release
# urpmi.addmedia nonfree32_updates http://mirror.rosalab.ru/rosa/rosa2014.1/repository/i586/non-free/updates
# urpmi.addmedia restricted32_release http://mirror.rosalab.ru/rosa/rosa2014.1/repository/i586/restricted/release
# urpmi.addmedia restricted32_updates http://mirror.rosalab.ru/rosa/rosa2014.1/repository/i586/restricted/updates

32bit repositories are necessary in 64bit systems in order to make 32bit-only applications such as Skype available. Note that we have disabled "updates" repositories for now, since we only tested update to release repositories of Desktop Fresh R4.

  • update all packages to R4 state; preliminary download all necessary packages (the latter is important, since the network connection can go down during update):
# urpmi --no-install --auto-update --auto
# urpmi --auto-update --auto

Note that depending on Internet connection speed and number of packages installed in the system, the update time may vary significantly. Average update time is about several hours. In some very special cases update can take about a day or even more.

  • Turn back repositories with R4 updates and update your system to be sure that it is up to date:
# urpmi.update --no-ignore updates
# urpmi --auto-update --auto

Possible Errors

Note that urpmi --auto-update --auto command can sometimes fail with errors like package A conflicts with package B or file from package A conflicts with file from package B. If this is the case, try to update B explicitly ( urpmi B) and then launch urpmi --auto-update --auto again.