Errata ROSA Marathon X1

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Revision as of 09:26, 24 April 2012 by D uragan (Talk | contribs) (fix translation)

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Boot from hardisk does not work

If your bootloader is located not on the first physical disk, this option will not working.

System fails to reboot after installation

When pressing the Finish button after installation the system can fail to reboot and stall with a blank screen. If this is the case, just restart the machine manually.


After update to 2012 Marathon sound is disabled

Delete .pulse directory in you home folder.


KDE4 boots for too long

On some machines KDE4 startup takes quite a long time (40-60 sec). To fix this, you should add ROSA media and update to KDE 4.8.2.

Users software

Firefox does not use native language

If Firefox does not use your native language though appropriate package is installed, you should enable the language manually in the Additional - Language menu.