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Mock is a program that builds packages inside a chroot, originally by Fedora Project. The chroot contents are defined by a set of config files.

This package can be found in Rosa repositories. The newest version - in my private repository x86_64 or i586.

To install, run "sudo urpmi mock-urpm"; this will set up proper users, so you can instantly fire

sudo mock-urpm /path/to/src.rpm --enable tmpfs

See logs and results in /var/lib/mock-urpm/{rootname}/results.

Read more at "man mock-urpm". The tool originates from Fedora, see an article about mock there.


Mock-urpm is a simple program that will build source RPMs inside a chroot. It doesn't do anything terribly fancy other than populate a chroot with the contents specified by a configuration file, then build any input SRPM(s) in that chroot.

The content of a chroot is specified by the configuration specified with the -r option. The default configuration file is /etc/mock-urpm/default.cfg, which is usu‐ ally a symlink to one of the installed configurations.

There is a site-wide configuration file, /etc/mock-urpm/site-defaults.cfg, which can be used to specify site-wide options. The shipped version of this file has no active options, but does have a list of all of the configuration options, examples of how to set them, and their default values.

To use mock-urpm, a user should become a member of the mock-urpm group by adding their username to the mock-urpm line in /etc/group. This can be done with the fol‐ lowing command:

sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -a -G mock-urpm $USER 

This command is executed automatically after the packet installation. Note that mock is not intended to be run directly as root.


Using SCM (GIT/CVS/SVN) is really easy. Edit config files (there are examples with comments in site-defaults.cfg). Write the correct 'method' option ('git',

mock-urpm --scm-enable --scm-option package=PKG_NAME --scm-option branch=BRANCH_NAME SCM 

must have a .spec file. Sources can be placed in tarball, but putting '.write_tar' file to the project root will make mock-urpm to create NAME-VERSION.tar.gz archive.


mock-urpm commands
Command Description
--clean Purge the chroot tree.
--scrub=TYPE Completely remove the specified chroot or cache dir or all of the chroot and cache. TYPE is one of all, chroot, cache, root-cache or c-cache.
--init Initialize a chroot (clean, install chroot packages, etc.)
--rebuild If no command is specified, rebuild is assumed. Rebuilds the specified SRPM(s). The buildroot is cleaned first, unless --no-clean is specified.
--buildsrpm Builds the specified SRPM either from a spec file and source file/directory or from SCM. The buildroot is cleaned first, unless --no-clean is specified.
--shell Run the specified command interactively within the chroot (which must already be initialized -- no 'clean' is performed). If no command specified, /bin/sh is run.
--chroot Run the specified command non-interactively within the chroot (which must already be initialized -- no 'clean' is performed). Command output will be sent to the log files.
--installdeps Find out deps for SRPM or RPM, and do a urpmi install to put them in the buildroot. Buildroot must already be initialized -- no 'clean' is performed
--install Do a urpmi install PACKAGE inside the buildroot. Buildroot must already be initialized -- no 'clean' is performed
--update Do a urpmi update inside the buildroot. Buildroot must already be initialized -- no 'clean' is performed
--orphanskill No-op mode that simply checks that no stray processes are running in the chroot. Kills any processes that it finds using specified root.
--copyin Copies the source paths (files or directory trees) into the chroot at the specified destination path.
--copyout Copies the source paths (files or directory trees) from the chroot to the specified destination path.


mock-urpm options
Option Description
-r CHROOT, --root=CHROOT Uses specified chroot configuration as defined in /etc/mock/<chroot>.cfg. If none specified, uses the chroot linked to by /etc/mock/default.cfg
--no-clean Do not clean chroot before building package.
--cleanup-after Clean chroot after building. Use with --resultdir. Only active for '--rebuild'.
--no-cleanup-after Don't clean chroot after building. If automatic cleanup is enabled, use this to disable.
--target=ARCH This argument is passed to rpmbuild to specify the target arch to build. It defaults to whatever is specified for --arch, or whatever is specified in the config file as config_opts['target_arch'].
--arch=ARCH Calls the linux personality() syscall to tell the kernel to emulate a secondary architecture. For example, building i386 packages on an x86_64 buildhost.
-D "MACRO EXPR", --define="MACRO EXPR" Specify macro definitions used for the build. This option may be used multiple times, just as the rpmbuild --define option can be. For example: --define "with_extra_cheese 1" --define="packager Monkey"
--with=OPTION Enable configure OPTION for build. This option may be used multiple times. For example: --with=extra_cheese
--without=OPTION Disable configure OPTION for build. This option may be used multiple times. For example: --without=anchovies
--resultdir=RESULTDIR Change directory where resulting files (RPMs and build logs) are written. Resultdir can contain python-string substitutions for any variable in the chroot config. For example: --resultdir=./my/"%(dist)s"/"%(target_arch)s"/
--uniqueext=text Arbitrary, unique extension to append to buildroot directory name
--configdir=CONFIGDIR Change directory where config files are found
--rpmbuild_timeout=SECONDS Fail build if rpmbuild takes longer than 'timeout' seconds
--unpriv Drop privileges before running command when using --chroot
--cwd=DIR Change to the specified directory (relative to the chroot) before running command when using --chroot
-q, --quiet Be quiet.
-v, --verbose Output verbose progress information.
--trace Enables verbose tracing of function enter/exit with function arguments and return codes. Useful for debugging mock itself.
--enable-plugin=PLUGIN Enable the specified plugin. This option may be used multiple times.
--disable-plugin=PLUGIN Disable the specified plugin. This option may be used multiple times.
-h, --help Show usage information and exit.
--version Show version number and exit.


To rebuild test.src.rpm using the configuration for x86_64 named "my_configuration"

mock -r my_configuration-x86_64 --rebuild /path/to/test.src.rpm

Note that the available configurations are found in the /etc/mock-urpm directory with the extension .cfg. To specify a configuration use the filename without the trailing .cfg extension.

To place the output RPMs and logs in a specified location.

mock --resultdir=./my-results /path/to/your.src.rpm

To build a package from the default SCM repository configured in site-defaults.cfg or in user config use the following arguments.

mock --scm-enable --scm-option package=pkg