Updates Builder - Visualization of Update Results

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Latest revision as of 11:43, 18 December 2013

As many of ROSA Planet readers likely know, some packages in ROSA and OpenMandriva repositories are updated to new upstream versions automatically by means of Updates Builder (to be more precise, this tool detects new upstream releases and tries to build them in ABF).

List of tracked packages can be found in wiki - here is the one for ROSA and here is the one for OpenMandriva. These lists are quite large, but in reality for some packages upstream releases happen rarely, for others Updates Builder fails to detect new releases... So what is the real ammount of work performed by Updates Builder in ABF?

Maintainers and other ABF users can estimate this ammount on the basis of general build statistics and task monitoring, but there is an easier way. The thing is that the scripts that launch Updates Builder create reports concerning results of their work and publish them at upstream-tracker.org. A page with results for ROSA is located here, the one for OpenMandriva is here.


Column names are in general self-explaining, but I'd like to give several comments for some of them.

The Merged Automatically? column can be populated with data only for successful builds. It shows if Updates Builder has already merged new version to the Git repo of target distribution by itself. Such completely automated merge is performed only for packages from Contrib repository. For packages from the Main repo maintained by ROSA people, Pull Requests are sent to merge the auto_update branch (where Updates Builder performs all its tasks) to the Main one.

The Errors Recognized column tries to reflect reasons of build failures. The Updates Builder launchers analyze logs of failed builds and recognize the most common failure reasons (failed patch, missing file, etc.). Curently this analysis is quite simple and less then a dozen reasons are recognized, but in future we plan to improve this classification.

Finally, the Last Build Date column contains a date when the last attempt to update the package was performed. For every package, the table contains inly a single row corresponding to the last update attempt.

I hope that these pages will give you a general idea of what Updates Builder is working on. Note that these reports reflect only initial results of Updates Builder work. If after analysis of these results a maintainer fixes builds of updated versions of some packages and push these updates to reporitories, thee actions will not be reflected in the report.

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