Drakxtools будущее развитие

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Версия от 17:43, 15 мая 2012; PastorDi (обсуждение | вклад) (Drakconf)

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Drakxtools представляет собой набор скриптов и модулей, уникальный для Mandriva/ROSA написаных на Perl с GTK интерфейсом (точнее - с помощью собственной оболочки на Perl-GTK). Развитие Drakxtools десять лет назад, однако с каждым годом становится все труднее и труднее поддерживать и расширять их за счет не очень гибкой внутренней структуры и тонны унаследованного кода. Мы считаем, что большинство drakxtools не удовлетворяют современным требованиям и должны быть заменены на более удобные современные аналоги.

Некоторые мысли по замене drakxtools:

  • Для многих инструментов есть аналоги в KDE4 Настройка рабочего стола
  • ... Тем не менее, некоторые инструменты, действительно уникальны для Mandriva/ROSA, и в настоящее время мы не имеем никаких оценок, сколько времени потребуется, чтобы сделать их аналоги
  • Для некоторых аналогов, инструменты KDE существует, но они являются отдельными приложениями (не входит в KDE Control Center)
  • Некоторые инструменты ограничены в Mandriva инфраструктуре (Mandriva Club , логины вики и т. д.), поэтому они должны быть удалены в РОСА в любом случае. Вопрос, мы хотим сделать их аналоги?
  • Еще одна уникальность для ROSA/Mandriva является Центр управления ROSA (Drakconf), которая является всего лишь оберткой, которая вызывает соответствующие инструменты с соответствующими параметрами

Возможная замена текущего конфигуратора Drakconf перечислены в таблице ниже.

Если какой-то инструмент не установлен в системе, то соответствующий пункт меню в Drakconf не отображается. Так что, если некоторые пакеты не установлены по умолчанию, то пользователи не имеют соответствующей записи Drakconf в только что установленной системы. Вероятно, замены таких пакетов должны рассматриваться как низкий приоритет основной задачи.


Ниже приводится таблица с Drakconf разделами, соответствующие MDV-спецификации и предложены их замены/альтернативы.

Раздел Drakconf Консольная команда Пакет (SRPM) Замена Примечание
Управление программами
Управление программами
Установка и удаление программ rpmdrake rpmdrake
Обновление системы MandrivaUpdate rpmdrake
Настройка частоты обновления mdkapplet-config mdkonline
Настройка источников установки/обновления ПО edit-urpm-sources.pl rpmdrake
Доступ к расширенной поддержке mdkapplet-add-media-helper mdkonline Удалено в ROSA 2012 LTS Эта опция только для Mandriva
Статистика пакетов drakstats drakstats Пакет по умолчанию не установлен
Управление своим оборудованием
Поиск и настройка оборудования harddrake2 drakxtools  ? Kinfocenter Этот инструмент предоставляет пользователю список всего оборудования, для каждого устройства, он может запускать соответствующий конфигуратор (draksound для звуковой карты, Diskdrake для жестких дисков / CD-ROM и т.п.)
KInfoCenter может быть использован для отображения аппаратных средств, но не может использоваться для их настройки.
Настройка звука draksound drakxtools KDE Настройка раб.стола -> "Мультимедия" -> "Phonon"
Настройка графики
Настройка графического сервера XFdrake drakx-kbd-mouse-x11 KDE Настройка раб.стола -> "Display and Monitor"
Настройка клавиатуры и мыши
Настройка раскладки клавиатуры keyboarddrake drakx-kbd-mouse-x11 KDE Настройка раб.стола -> "Input Devices"
Удаленов в ROSA 2012 LTS
Настройка мыши (тачпада) mousedrake drakx-kbd-mouse-x11 KDE Настройка раб.стола -> "Input Devices"
Удаленов в ROSA 2012 LTS
Настройка печати и сканирования
Настрйока принеров, очередей печати ... system-config-printer system-config-printer system-config-printer-kde system-config-printer is a standalone tool written in Python, but we can try to use its KDE wrapper
Настройка сканера scannerdrake drakxtools
Конфигурирование FAX сервера drakfax_server drakfax the package is not installed by default
Настройка ИБП для наблюдения за питанием drakups drakxtools
Сеть и интернет
Настройка сетевых адаптеров
Сетевой центр draknetcenter drakx-net KDE Настройка раб.стола -> "Network Settings"
Удаленов в ROSA 2012 LTS
Настройка нового сетевого интерфейса (LAN, ISDN, ADSL, ...) drakconnect --wizard drakx-net KDE Настройка раб.стола -> "Network Settings"
Удаленов в ROSA 2012 LTS
Удаление подключений drakconnect --del drakx-net KDE Настройка раб.стола -> "Network Settings"
Удаленов в ROSA 2012 LTS
Обеспечение безопасности сети
Прокси drakproxy drakx-net KDE Настройка раб.стола -> "Network Settings" -> "Proxy"
Share the Internet connection with other local machines drakgw drakx-net KDE Настройка раб.стола -> "Network Settings"
Manage different network profiles draknetprofile drakx-net NetworkManager
Удаленов в ROSA 2012 LTS
Profile support is not perfect, to be improved in future.
In any case, some functionality of draknetprofile was broken even in ROSA 2011
Configure VPN connection to secure network access drakvpn drakx-net KDE Настройка раб.стола -> "Network Settings"
Удаленов в ROSA 2012 LTS
Hosts definitions drakhosts drakx-net  ??? Drop If user wants to modify /etc/hosts, then he is probably an advanced user who can do it with any text editor
Управление системными службами
Authentication drakauth drakxtools leave Integration with Win domains - no replacement atm
Menu Style drakmenustyle drakmenustyle KDE Настройка раб.стола -> "Application Appearance" the package is not installed by default
Manage system services by enabling or disabling them drakxservices drakxtools system-config-services maybe we need to integrate this tool into RCC?
Manage, add and remove fonts. Import Windows(TM) fonts drakfont drakxtools KDE Настройка раб.стола -> "Font Management"
Manage date and time drakclock drakxtools KDE Настройка раб.стола -> "Date and Time"
Удаленов в ROSA 2012 LTS
Manage localization for your system localedrake drakxtools KDE Настройка раб.стола -> "Locale" Standard KDE configurator should be patched to edit ~/.i18n in order to affect all applications
Administration tools
View and search system logs logdrake drakxtools ksystemlog logdrake has two features not implemented in ksystemlog: mail alerts and logs of Mandriva-specific tools
Open a console as administrator drakconsole drakconf Applications -> "Root Terminal"
Удаленов в ROSA 2012 LTS
Manage users on system userdrake, adduserdrake userdrake, drakxtools kuser
Import Windows(TM) documents and settings transfugdrake transfugdrake
Backups drakbackup drakbackup the package is not installed by default
Snapshots draksnapshot-config draksnapshot
Virtualization drakvirt drakvirt the package is not installed by default
Network Sharing
Configure Windows(R) shares
Access Windows (SMB) shared drives and directories diskdrake --smb drakxtools Dolphin (Network -> Samba Shares)
Share drives and directories with Windows (SMB) systems draksambashare drakx-net Dolphin (Right click on folder name -> Properties -> Share) Should we configure the system to enable file sharing for users by default?
(currently one should enable samba sharing for users in the KDE control center)
Configure NFS shares
Access NFS shared drives and directories diskdrake --nfs drakxtools
Share drives and directories using NFS draknfs drakx-net
Configure WebDAV shares
Access WebDAV shared drives and directories diskdrake --dav drakxtools Dolphin (Network -> Add Network Folder)
Удаленов в ROSA 2012 LTS
Local disks
Local disks
Manage disk partitions diskdrake --hd drakxtools  ? gparted
KDE Partition Manager
gparted supports LVM in 'read-only' mode.
gparted launched in ROSA displays a strange (very small) unallocated space at the end of every disk.
KDE Partition Manager looks nice, though it has received no activity since 2010.
qtparted is currently developed by bero
Configure CDROM mount options diskdrake --removable drakxtools KDE Настройка раб.стола -> "Removable Devices"
Share your hard disk partitions diskdrake --fileshare drakxtools This item is obsolete. In ROSA, users can just share their folders using Dolphin.
Удаленов в ROSA 2012 LTS
Configure system security, permissions and audit msecgui msec-gui leave standalone tool written in Python; the package is not installed by default
Configure TOMOYO Linux policy tomoyo-gui tomoyo-gui leave standalone tool written in Python; the package is not installed by default
Set up your personal firewall drakfirewall drakx-net
Configure authentication for Mandriva tools draksec drakxtools  !!! Probably we will have to rework this one if we replace some MDV tools
Advanced setup for network interfaces and firewall drakinvictus drakx-net
Parental Controls drakguard drakguard
Configure boot steps
Set up boot system drakboot --boot drakxtools GRUB2 Editor
or maybe this one is more functional: Grub Customizer
Set up display manager drakedm drakxtools Удаленов в ROSA 2012 LTS
there is no need in this for many users; experienced ones can just change DM value in the /etc/sysconfig/desktop file

Не используемые разделы

The following tools are mentioned in Control_Center.pm, but it seems that they are absent in modern repos and we should not bother about them:

  • "Manage park" => park-rpmdrake
  • "Programs scheduling" => drakcronat
  • "Remote Control" => rfbdrake


drakxtools also provide the 'drakbug' tool which is invoked when some drak* program is crashed. Users do report bugs using this tool in MDV bugzilla, it would be nice for us to have a replacement.


Drakxtools is not the only package with MDV-specific configuration tools and accompanying scripts. The complete list of packages looks like the following:

drakbackup drakbackup
drakconf drakconf
drakfax drakfax
drakguard drakguard
drakmenustyle drakmenustyle
draksnapshot draksnapshot
drakstats drakstats
drakvirt drakvirt
drakx-kbd-mouse-x11 drakx-kbd-mouse-x11
drakx-net drakx-net
drakxtools drakxtools
mdkonline mdkonline
rpmdrake rpmdrake
transfugdrake transfugdrake
userdrake userdrake

There are also several standalone non-Perl packages (see the table above), they are not mention in this list.

Зависимости пакетов

The following packages depend on the ones listed above:

RPM SRPM Description Comments
a320raid a320raid a320raid pcitable entries for Adaptec HostRAID support Dependency on drakxtools seems to be superfluous and can be safely dropped.
Last time the package was rebuilt for MDV 2007
adp94xx adp94xx adp94xx pcitable entries for Adaptec HostRAID support Dependency on drakxtools seems to be superfluous and can be safely dropped.
Last time the package was rebuilt for MDV 2007
adpahci adpahci adpahci pcitable entries for Adaptec HostRAID support Dependency on drakxtools seems to be superfluous and can be safely dropped.
Last time the package was rebuilt for MDV 2007
bcd bcd Tool to build Mandriva ISO  ??? Drop, ABF possibilities to build ISO images are enough for us?
bootloader-utils bootloader-utils Utilities needed to install/remove a kernel. Also for updating bootloaders Used by kernel, dracut, pm-tools.
We'll have to rewrite this in any case when switching to Grub2
drak3d drak3d 3D desktop effects tools  ??? Drop and use KDE System Settings instead
Required by harddrake
drakbt drakbt The Mandriva Linux Bittorrent link and status checker Drop. Current implementation is highly bounded to MDV infrastructure (Mandriva Club & co.).
drakcluster drakcluster Graphic interface to admin and setup the server cluster
drakcowsay drakcowsay Graphical interface for cowsay
drakfirsttime drakfirsttime The Mandriva Linux First Time Wizard  ??? Should go away if we develop a new installer. It is hard to get rid of drakxtools in the current installer, we can't use KDE tools there
draklive-install draklive-install Live installer
drakoo drakoo This wizard is run on first run of OpenOffice.org and enables to
select the default file format (either native OpenOffice.org one or Microsoft(R) Office)
Drop. The way suggested in the drakoo (set DOC_DEFAULTS* variables in ~/.oofficerc) doesn't seem to work with LibreOffice. It is easier for users to choose default format in the LibreOffice itself (Tools - Options - Load/Save - General - Default file format and ODF settings).
drakpxelinux drakpxelinux Quick configuration of PXE menu parameters
draktermserv draktermserv Terminal server configurator Last time the package was rebuilt for MDV 2009.0
Required by terminal-server2 ("Terminal Server - Unionfs version") which was also not rebuilt after 2009.
drakwizard drakwizard drakwizard allows you to launch :

- server wizard: configures basic services.
- global wizard: wizard that launch each other.
- dhcpd, dns, ftp, apache, time wizards, ssh.

gdm gdm The GNOME Display Manager Requires drakx-kbd-mouse-x11 to ensure XFdrake is always installed. Can we just drop this dependency if we drop XFdrake itself?
gdm-220 gdm-220 The GNOME Display Manager Why do we need both gdm-2.20 and gdm-2.32? According to Mattew, gdm-2.32 has some troubles with GNOME3, while gdm-220 works fine.
grub2 grub2 GNU GRUB is a Multiboot boot loader Grub2 itself doesn't require draktools, but its current postinstall and preuninstall scripts invoke /usr/sbin/bootloader-config from drakxtools-backend
This dependency will be dropped once we use grub2 as the only supported bootloader.
hsfmodem hsfmodem Conexant HSF controllerless modem driver for Linux Dependency on drakxtools seems to be superfluous and can be safely dropped.
Last time the package was rebuilt for MDV 2010.1
hwdb-clients hwdb-clients Hardware database clients Mandriva-specific package
ipw3945d ipw3945d Regulatory daemon for the Intel PRO/Wireless 3945 (IPW3945ABG) Wifi adapter Dependency on drakxtools seems to be superfluous and can be safely dropped.
Last time the package was rebuilt for MDV 2009.0
ipw3945-ucode ipw3945-ucode Firmware for the Intel PRO/Wireless 3945 (IPW3945ABG) Wifi adapter Dependency on drakxtools seems to be superfluous and can be safely dropped.
Last time the package was rebuilt for MDV 2009.0
memtest86+ memtest86+ A stand alone memory test for i386 architecture systems The package itself doesn't require draktools, but its current postinstall and preuninstall scripts invoke /usr/sbin/bootloader-config from drakxtools-backend
mklivecd mklivecd Builds a LiveCD from an existing Mandriva Linux installation
mountloop mountloop Allow users to mount files (in particular, encrypted filesystems) via loopback drakxtools are used by drakloop - a graphical frontend for mountloop
nautilus-filesharing nautilus-filesharing Filesharing extension for Nautilus Drop. This is a Mandriva-specific Nautilus wrapper which invokes "diskdrake --fileshare" and accompanying scripts from drakxtools. However, Nautilus is able to share folders using Samba by itself.
old_rpmdrake old_rpmdrake Mandriva Linux graphical front end for sofware installation/removal Drop. Was used to compare behavior of new rpmdrake with the old one.
suspend suspend Userland tools for suspend-to-disk and suspend-to-RAM The package itself doesn't require draktools, but its postinstall script invokes /usr/sbin/bootloader-config from drakxtools-backend
task-ede task-ede Metapackage for EDE (Equinox desktop environment)  ??? Drop, doesn't seem to work in either case.