Updates builder — automatically detect and build package updates in ABF

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In December, we have introduced an alpha version of a new tool which we hope many of you will find useful — updates_builder.

In short, the tool performs the following actions:

  • Checks for available upstream updates
  • If update is found, the tool downloads appropriate tarball, pushes it to ABF file store, updates spec and .abf.yml in the appropriate project of the import group and initiates a build for rosa2012.1.

So using a single one-line command you can check if there is an update for some package and try to build it in ABF, if any.

Don’t worry, all changes are performed in a separate branch — 'auto_update'. The build is performed for 'import_personal' repository.

More info and examples:

The tool is currently available in akirilenko_personal repository.

To get information about available updates, the tool uses upstream-tracker.org service (http://upstream-tracker.org/updates/rosa/2012/):

ROSA updates.png

We believe that the tool is going to be very useful — at least it allows to almost automatically check how much efforts will it take to update to a newer version of some package.

Surely, some technical aspects can be a topic for discussion, but after several experiments we can say that the tool works quite well — we’ve already updated some packages in ROSA 2012 Desktop using it.

And using such a tool, we can implement many nice features in future — e.g., setup automated tracking/building of newer package versions somewhere on our servers. So you will only have to say "hey, I wanna to monitor that package" and after that you will receive not only notifications about new upstream releases, but also results of first attempt to build that new releases in ABF.

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